
  1. Unscrew spiral compression bolt at bottom of clamp to approximate size of table or surface Portable Outdoor Faucet is to attach.
  2. Slide clamping bracket over table or surface and tighten spiral compression bolt until secure.
  3. Take top portion of faucet and insert in to end of lower portion. Make sure not to cross threads or over tighten.  It may be necessary at times to use a wrench to tighten nut to compress rubber washer properly.  This may be due to colder climates.
  4. Connect water hose to bottom of faucet at the water hose connection port.
  5. Turn on water source.
  6. Turn On/Off Ball Valve to start water flowing.
  7. Flush Faucet prior to using.

Spray Hose

  1. Attach end of Spray Hose to faucet threads at the top of the faucet.  Make sure not to cross threads or over tighten.  It may be necessary at times to use a wrench to tighten nut to compress rubber washer properly.  This may be due to colder climates.
  2. Turn On/Off Ball Valve to start water flowing.
  3. Compress lever on Spray Hose to release water.
  4. Flush Spray Hose prior to using.


  1. Remove protective film from face of Mirror.
  2. Attach mirror bracket stem to mirror attachment bolt by turning the mirror clockwise until tight.  Make sure to not cross threads or over tighten.
  3. Rotate until proper angle is achieved for use.